
Welcome to Sunrise Contemplations...the strange ramblings of a small town girl from somewhere in the midwest....

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Who cares?

You know what really aggravates me?

Well, if you don't, I'm going to tell you. People that insist on commenting on news articles stating, "We don't care about this, why is this news?" They seem to have some sort of idea that only the news that interests them is actually 'news'. Everything else is just stupid fluff. And of course, those of us who are interested in things that they don't deem newsworthy are just stupid air heads. That or 'silly liberals' which is one that really gets my goat!

Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm a celeb junkie. Not to the point of being ridiculous about it, and also not to the point of believing everything I read, I'm not stupid. But I enjoy seeing what celebs are up to. From what they are wearing to who is getting married or having babies. I just find it interesting. I like seeing happy stories, I lament when something unfortunate happens to a celeb I like. It's a diversion, and most celebs know that when they become famous, this is what they sign on for. Those that like to keep their lives private generally become very good at doing so, while still remaining in the public eye for their work. So they can usually avoid the nonsense if they don't want to be part of it and I respect that.

But why people seem to selfishly believe that if they don't care about something it shouldn't be 'news' just pisses me off! I'M interested, so back off! Let me just enjoy what I'm reading, and go comment on something that you deem worth your time.

The other thing that bothers me is that they are actually taking time out of their day to comment that they don't care. If they truly didn't care, they wouldn't bother. They'd move on to the things that interest them, instead of trying to ruin it for the rest of us by telling the media they don't want to hear these things. I personally would prefer a well-rounded media that reports on everything, than one that only reports on a few things that some people deem newsworthy. Also, it's nice to see lighthearted stories in my newsfeed, instead of just gloom and doom and misery. Life has enough of that already.

So if you don't care, don't comment. Just go on with your life, read the things you DO care about, and leave my stuff alone!!

*gets off soapbox*
